Organisational prerequisites for Creditors

e-Service Scheme Operator

The technical routing of all eMS messages happen solely via the central e-Service Scheme Operator (SO).
The SO is available for Creditors via the central Routing Server If a creditor bank offers a particular name for the Routing Server, it will inform the Creditor as part of the Creditor agreement’s completion.

e-Mandat Service Creditor Agreement

Prerequisite for the offering of the eMS as a Creditor ist the acquisition of an e-Service Creditor Agreement on the handling of e-mandates with a bank admitted to this service up to standard of the here described e-Mandat Service.

Selection e-Mandat Service Bank

The e-Mandat Service Bank’s selection by the debtor happens solely by the central selection of banks at SO.
The debtor is redirected from the Creditor side to the mandatory banks' selection at SO. Supporting Details are available in the eMS Creditor functional specification document V1.0.1.
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