Card payment

Bank cards with payment function play an important role as part of SEPA. Hence unitary rules should be valid for all card payment transactions. These regulations refer mostly to the card payments which are already established in Austria such as getting cash from cash dispensers or paying a bill via debit card. Additionally, this framework includes unitary safety requirements (e.g.: EMW-Chip with PIN) for cards and terminals of card systems and the banking industry.

This procedure's aim is the abolition of the national alignment of European card payment systems and the enablement of a smooth cooperation of market participants, card holders, issuers, acquirers or merchants of card payment.

For quite some time, the Austrian market regarding the debit cards corresponds the SEPA-requirements.

Merchants already support this technology in numbers and offer a comprehensive network of chip-compatible payment devices ("Bankomatkassen").

Prospectively, you can enjoy with SEPA the same comforts in all European SEPA-countries. The debit card should be accepted everywhere, no matter in which European SEPA-country you are.

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