Marinko Ostojic

Friday, 07 October 2016 09:10

Personalizing by charitable organizations

In addition to the standard payment slips there are also donation payment slips. This offers the possibility to fill in the date of birth of new donors and existing donors necessary to ensure that donations may be deducted. On this new donation slip a QR code does not make sense because it leaves insufficient space for the data to be collected.

Donation order for new donors
  • Purpose: The donation payment slip is used when the donor is completely unknown. This slip is available to the public (e.g., in bank foyers) or is widely distributed (e.g., newspaper insert, circulars, etc.)
  • Addressee: First time donor
  • Use: one time
  • What is to be pre-printed?
    • Organization name and IBAN
    • Optional: freely selected four-digit action code for the identification of the campaign / edition / ...
    • IMPORTANT: Insert an "X" to distinguish between action / campaign and post code. 
You can order the production templates for Austria here
Zahlungsanweisung Visualisierung PersonalisiertSTUZZA has taken the opportunity to playce the "IBAN only" information on the payment slip. The text between "BIC" and the currency "EUR" has been altered. 

IBAN only is valid since Februar 2nd 2016.

If the data-basis from which payment slips are personalized contains the correct BIC it doesn´t have to be removed and may still be printed onto the payment slip. You may use your payment slips in stock and after that produce payment slips with the actual note and the Version V 10/15. Visit our homepage and get all the actual information regarding the payment slip.

The description of the QR-Codes has been altered as well. Link.
Thursday, 30 July 2015 07:04


Company PSA Payment Services Austria GmbH
Legal form Company with limited liability
Address Handelskai 92, Gate 2
  1200 Vienna
Telephone +43 1 717 18 0
Fax +43 1 717 18 900
E-mail office(at)
Headquarters Vienna
Commercial court Commercial Court Vienna
Commercial register number FN370048p
VAT number ATU66782626
Chamber membership 1. Austrian Chamber of Commerce
  Federal Division, Information and Consulting
  Association of Financial Service Providers
  2. Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Section Business Consulting,
Accounting and Information Technology
Professional Branch IT Service

Trade authority
Applicable legislation
Link to the legislation

District Office of the 2nd/20th District
Commercial Code (GewO)
Friday, 23 January 2015 10:53

eps Danke

There is no translation available.

Vielen Dank fuer Ihren Einkauf!

Zum Shop
Friday, 23 January 2015 10:42

eps Error

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Oops.. Something went wrong... Ihre Bestellung konnte leider nicht durchgefuehrt werden.
Unbekannter Fehler. Möglicherweise gibt es einen neuen Fehlercode, der in dieser Version des Codes noch nicht behandelt wird.
Setzen Sie sich mit dem Händler in verbindung, eventuell steht eine neue Democode-Version.

Zum Shop

Friday, 23 January 2015 07:27

eps Demoshop

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In unserem Demo-Shop haben Sie die Möglichkeit einen Online-Kauf zu simulieren.
Die auf diese Weise an uns übermittelten Beträge spenden wir am Ende des Jahres einer karitativen Organisation.

Beschreibung Test Überweisung - Spende
Zahlungsmittel  eps Online Überweisung
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 14:20

Demo Finanzamt-Zahlung

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some content with no post

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Typ der Referenz Absicherung

check script in javascript
get it from page source code
Thursday, 21 August 2014 12:43


The "Gutschriftstruncation" offers a backup of allocation data (payment reference) and therefore a facilitation and a quality assurance for payees who send their customers pre-filled receipts for a more comfortable payment of claims.

Thus the payment reference is hedged with a check digit calculated in accord with ISO 7064. This check digit facilitates the automatic capture and ensures higher detection rates in the processing. Hence the automatic assigning and entering of claims achieves a significantly higher rate.

For that purpose is an Excel-Sheet available, which illustrates the calculation of check digits in the "Truncationsverfahren" and also suits the creation of small amounts of check digits.

Since the 1st January 2009 the possibility for a "Gutschriftstruncation" with the was created. It concerns an additional check digit on the "Zahlungsanweisung". This supplementary check digit ensures the correct processing of the reference on the receipt by the system. The payment reference solely consists of 35 digits.
Thursday, 21 August 2014 12:42

Tax payments

The tax payments were redeveloped and designed especially for transactions to the revenue office. Multiple types of taxes may be settled up simultaneously via receipt.

A standardised payment reference is necessary for tax payments/post bar payments respectively EACT. Further informations on this subject are available here, where we provide corresponding tools with which the payment reference can be calculated automatically.

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