Marinko Ostojic

Tuesday, 05 August 2014 10:03

Printing Forms Order

Here you can order important informations and printing forms for the creation of payment transactions forms which follow the standardised criteria.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014 10:47


Monday, 16 June 2014 13:44

WORKSHOP: XML in payment transactions

The aim of this event is to acquire the fundamental comprehension of XML and XML-schemes, to get an overview of the envolved standardisation committee and to learn about the message-structure in detail.
Friday, 13 June 2014 09:54


getestet mit IE und Firefox

Creating and testing the special purpose according to EACT-Format

Purpose Row


Friday, 13 June 2014 09:51

Tax payment

Friday, 13 June 2014 09:31


The IBAN consists of the ISO-country code, a two-digit check digit, bank informations and the account number. The length of the IBAN can contain up to 34 digits because of country-specific conditions. Austrian IBANs consist of 20 digits.

With the Check-script you can check an IBAN on its formal correctness.


Friday, 13 June 2014 08:57

Format Descritption IBANService

This is how your request should look like:

Line Content
1 REQS;1234567890123456;USRT;2012-01-07;10:11:12;1-1
2 12345;12345678901;;;;
3 67890;123456;;;;
4 12345;678901;;;;
5 54321;123456701;;;;
... ...

The response looks like this:

Line Content
1 RTRN;1234567890123456;USRT;2012-01-09;14:15:16;1-1
2 67890;123456;ABCDATWW;AT126789012345678901;;CMPT
3 12345;12345678901;ABCDATWW;AT121234512345678901;54321;CMPT
4 54321;123456701;;;;AGNX
5 12345;678901;;;;ACCL
... ...

Hint (when sending a request):
The first line contains 6 fields in the predefined order:

"REQS" for Request
Bank code/
exactly 16 digits, numerical, of the requesting account holder
"USRT" for unsorted accounts
Date of the creation of the request in the form YYYY-MM-DD
Time of the creation of the request in the form hh:mm:ss
Numbering of the request in the form n-m
meaning "n"th request of "m" requests
thereby large stocks can be divided or multiple requests can be created
range from 1-1 to 999-999

The second line contains 6 fields in the predefined order:

Bank code
Account number
4 blank fields as a placeholder for the response

Permitted separators are semicolon, comma or tabulator

For Response, please note:

The first line contains 6 boxes in the prescribed order:

"RTRN" for Return
Bank code/
exactly 16 digits, numerical as in the request
"USRT" for unsorted accounts, "SORT" for accounts sorted by bank code
Date of the creation of the response in the form YYYY-MM-DD
Time of the creation of the response in the form hh:mm:ss
Numbering in the form n-m (as received in request)

The second line contains 6 fields in the predefined order:

Bank code as in the request
Account number as in the request
For CMPT related BIC or blank
For CMPT related IBAN or blank
Optional the responding office, bank code or BIC or blank

Meaning of the codes:

CMPT complete (=OK)
IBAN/BIC attached
AGNX agent not existing
meaning the IBANService has not registered the bank code and does not know which bank is responsible for the response
NDAV no data available
meaning the IBANService registered the bank code indeed, but no informations of this bank code can be delivered
ACNX account not existing
meaning the bank does not manage an account with this number
ACCL account closed
meaning the bank has already closed the account
OERR other error
meaning no otherwise relatable error occured at the investigation
Friday, 13 June 2014 08:56


By IBAN and BIC bank connections are unitarily indicated for SEPA-transactions

The unitary format offers a cross-border possibility to check accounting connections for formal correctness already at the capture. Thereby typing errors of all kinds are detected reliably.

IBAN and BIC must be applied in SEPA payment transactions

Hence the EPC(EuropeanPaymentsCouncil) imposed the usage of this account representation for all SEPA payment transactions on using of fundamental payment methods.

IBAN and BIC must not be "calculated" by oneself

Although offers appear in all kinds by now and existing accounting connections in the form account number / bank code must be transferred into the representation IBAN / BIC, the sole valid information concerning this are reserved for the bank in charge of the account and the account owner. On one hand the bank codes, used in the IBAN, differ partially, on the other hand not all BICs of a bank can be used for payment transactions.

Tuesday, 06 May 2014 12:09

MBS - Multi Bank Standard

The Multi Bank Standard for Electronic Banking was set up primarily for commercial bank customers who have account relationships at several Austrian banks and enables the account holders to use software provided by their bank to take their remittance data directly from the accounting system (import / export). 

The advantages of the MBS Multi Bank Standard at a glance: 

  • Access to your account information at any time
  • Low processing fees 
  • Faster processing of orders 
  • Interface to external systems 
  • Multi-user capability
MBS was introduced in the middle of the 1990s and is currently being further developed.
Software packages used by other banks and sectors are derivatives of one of the following basic packages:

  • BusinessLine
    Bank Austria

    [RACON] Raiffeisen, BAWAG-P.S.K. Gruppe, Hypos in Oberösterreich, Salzburg und der Steiermark, VKB-Bank, BKS, BTV, Oberbank, Schelhammer & Schattera, Capital Bank, Posojilnica Bank eGen, Hypo-Bank Burgenland

  • Telebanking Pro / George Business
    Erste Bank und Sparkassen

  • HBP Home&Office Banking Plattform
    Volksbanken, Apothekerbank, Die Ärztebank, HYPO Vorarlberg Bank AG, HYPO Tirol und Niederösterreich, Schoellerbank, Spaenglerbank, SPARDA-BANK Austria, Austrian Anadi Bank AG


Communication with the bank computers takes place through the exchange of communication via secured data links. Comprehensive security measures guarantee the security of your sensitive data.

Available services

With the Multi Bank Standard you can use the following services: 

  • Domestic and foreign remittances  
  • Cash instructions, urgent orders, orders for amounts to be paid  
  • Checking the current account balance  
  • Checking current prices (foreign exchange)  
  • Checking the account statements  
  • Retrieval of return data received
In our folder download area , you will find important data and information about MBS. (only in German)
Tuesday, 06 May 2014 12:08


All informations and documentations are freely available! (all documents in German)
Umsetzung eMS XML Schnittstelle Version 1.0
Routing über E-Service Scheme Operator (SO)

eMandat Creditor Pflichtenheft_v10 Final 4-3-2014(4.3.2014) [1,0 MB] eMandat Creditor Pflichtenheft_v10

UPDATE   eMandat Creditor Pflichtenheft V1.0.2 (17.10.2014) [370 kb] Dokumentation Einstellung der SSL 3.0 Unterstützung!
eMS Schemata V1.0(26.9.2013) [11 KB] eMS XML Schemata für eMS Pflichtenheft Version 1.0
eMS Signaturprofil V1.1(31.10.2013) [91 KB] eMS Signaturprofil
e-Services Technisches Beiblatt V0.2 (Juni 2013) [105 KB] e-Services Technisches Beiblatt V0.2


Logo eMS e-Mandat Service

eMS Logo klein [22 KB] 72 dpi, 202 x 159 Pixel JPEG

eMS Logo mittel [59 KB] 72 dpi, 650 x 512 Pixel JPEG

eMS Logo groß [130 KB] 72 dpi, 889 x 700 Pixel JPEG




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